The Journey Beyond Logic ~世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶

世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶 / Scenic Views and Travel Memories Witnessed by an MBA Holder Who Traveled Over 110 Cities in 30 Countries Worldwide.


カンボジア旅行記 : アンコールワットにラピュタがあった話 ~ MBA旅ブロガーの見た世界

August 2001, Ta Prohm, Siem Reap, Cambodia



*The Power to Live
In Cambodia, there is a famous Hindu temple called Angkor Wat, and as a lover of historical sites, it was one of the places I absolutely wanted to visit. Among the temple complex, there is a temple called Ta Prohm. This temple is intentionally left in the state of its original discovery, with trees untouched and no restoration work done on the temple itself. Large trees grow on the roofs and walls of the temple, their roots intertwining with the structure, leaving the temple on the verge of collapse. Its appearance closely resembles the image of the ruined forest from "Castle in the Sky."
Not only humans but also the forest is alive. I understood that as common knowledge. However, as I witnessed the trees growing to engulf the temple, the "power to live" within the trees felt overwhelmingly strong, to the point where I felt like I could be swallowed up just by being there. There was something that instilled a sense of fear, I believe.


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