The Journey Beyond Logic ~世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶

世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶 / Scenic Views and Travel Memories Witnessed by an MBA Holder Who Traveled Over 110 Cities in 30 Countries Worldwide.


「深夜特急」沢木耕太郎の講演会で学んだこと ~ MBA旅ブロガーの見た世界


ノンフィクション作家の沢木耕太郎の講演会に参加をしたことがある。沢木耕太郎は「深夜特急」の著者で旅好きの私には憧れの人だ。講演のテーマは「創る旅 辿る旅」。色々な旅の話を熱く語って頂いた。



*Learning the Uniqueness of Travel from Kotaro Sawaki

I once attended a lecture by the non-fiction writer Kotaro Sawaki, the author of "MidNight Express." As an avid traveler, he was someone I admired. The theme of his talk was "Creating Travel, Tracing Travel," and he passionately shared various travel stories.
One concept that stuck with me from the lecture was the uniqueness of travel. Mr. Sawaki said, "When it comes to creating a journey, it's similar to climbing a mountain. Every mountain has been climbed, so the only way to make it unique is through the approach. The uniqueness of the MidNight Express journey was created by defining the rules of the journey."
Time has passed since the era of the MidNight Express, and now travel information is shared in real-time through social media. The variety of travel information has exploded, with many people exploring remote places or embarking on round-the-world trips. Standing out and presenting uniqueness has become even more challenging than before. While it may not always be necessary to obsess over uniqueness, I pondered, "What is my own uniqueness in travel?"

... Perhaps my uniqueness lies in the "diversity" of my journeys.

I was born into an ordinary family in the countryside, not a returnee, yet I've been blessed with diverse encounters and opportunities. With each step, I've built and expanded my path with confidence.
In my studies, I've had experiences such as homestays in the US and the UK, language schools in both countries, exchange studies at a British university through a government scholarship, and obtaining an MBA at a British graduate school through self-funding. In my travels, I've visited over 110 cities in 30 countries worldwide, from the Arctic Circle to Africa. I've experienced backpacking adventures and also taken part in multinational adventure tours, as well as utilizing traditional Japanese package tours for honeymoon travels. In my work, I've had the invaluable experience of establishing overseas subsidiaries in the US, China, and Indonesia through business trips.
Many people boast about the number of countries they've visited or share their experiences of studying or living abroad. However, I believe there aren't many who can claim such diverse experiences in their travels like I can. My uniqueness lies in the way these varied journeys have shaped my perspective on the world. In this blog, I want to share the stories of these diverse travel experiences. I feel fortunate to have experienced such diverse travels in this era of opportunity.