The Journey Beyond Logic ~世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶



アメリカ ニューヨーク旅行記 : 憧れの映画の地を訪れる ~ MBA旅ブロガーの見た世界

December 2003, New York, USA


*Visiting the Enchanting Movie Setting

America and England are both popular study abroad destinations, and while I was decidedly a fan of the UK, there was one exceptional city that captured my heart: New York. The bustling epicenter of economy and trends, I'd always admired it. During the winter break of my studies at a British graduate school, I had the chance to visit NYC, and fortunately, a friend hosted me for a week, which was incredibly helpful due to the high cost of living.
New York serves as the backdrop for many movies. During my undergraduate English class, we watched "When Harry met Sally." I particularly loved the Christmas scenes, where the snowy streets left a lasting impression. I happened to visit during Christmas, and experiencing a white Christmas was a stroke of luck. The photo features the iconic Rockefeller Center ice rink, renowned from various films. I didn't have time to skate, but the scene from the movies was right before my eyes. Call me star-struck, but I was moved by the realization that the cinematic world truly exists and I could be in those places.

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