The Journey Beyond Logic ~世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶

世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶 / Scenic Views and Travel Memories Witnessed by an MBA Holder Who Traveled Over 110 Cities in 30 Countries Worldwide.


イギリスMBA留学記 : 夢を叶えるまでの道程 ~ MBA旅ブロガーの見た世界

私がイギリスの大学院を選択する中で重視をしたのが、大学のレベルとミーハーだがキャンパスの美しさである。私が選んだ大学は名門大学が集まるラッセルグループの一員で歴史もあり、教育の質を示すRAEランクも5と非常に高かった。また、Most Beautiful Universities in UKのランキングでもTOP 10に入っていた。実際に留学をしてみても非常に満足度が高かったが、留学の内容はまた別の時に書こうと思う。

*Journey to Fulfilling a Dream
At the age of 26, I pursued an MBA degree in the UK for my postgraduate studies. MBA had been a long-standing aspiration of mine. Reflecting back, a short-term study trip to the US during high school sparked the desire for further education abroad. During university, I embarked on a year-long exchange program in the UK, where the idea of pursuing a graduate degree took root. After working for 4 years in a software company, I combined savings with diligent studies, realizing my cherished dream of an MBA abroad. Having previously researched during my university years, I managed all preparations and procedures independently, without relying on study agents.
While the US is renowned for its MBA programs, the UK offers a one-year curriculum as opposed to the US's two-year model. Financial constraints and my affinity for the UK, fostered by previous study experiences, led me to choose a British university for my MBA.
In my selection process, I emphasized university reputation and, admittedly, campus aesthetics. The university I chose belonged to the Russell Group, a consortium of prestigious institutions, boasting historical significance. It held an impressive RAE rank of 5, reflecting educational quality. Additionally, it ranked among the top 10 in the "Most Beautiful Universities in the UK" rankings. My satisfaction with the experience was noteworthy, but I'll save the details of my study abroad journey for another time.
Recently, my account of the MBA experience, titled "Memoirs of MBA Studies in British Graduate School," has been republished as a physical book. Despite the two-decade gap since my study abroad, its relevance speaks to the ongoing need, and I hope that it can offer some guidance to others.


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