The Journey Beyond Logic ~世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶

世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶 / Scenic Views and Travel Memories Witnessed by an MBA Holder Who Traveled Over 110 Cities in 30 Countries Worldwide.



November 2002, Stonehenge, UK

私が留学した大学院にはGraduate centreという組織・施設があった。院生専用のラウンジがあり、そこでは有料だか軽食やビールも飲めて、ゆったりとくつろいだりディスカッションをしたりする場所だった。また、MBAには66カ国から学生が集まっていたので、定期的にエクスカーション(野外調査旅行)も実施をしていて近隣の街へも観光に行くことが出来た。そのワンデートリップで前から行きたいと思っていたストーンヘンジのツアーがあった。

*Story of Visiting a Mysterious Ancient Civilization on the Grasslands
During my time studying abroad, I had access to the Graduate Centre, an organization and facility for graduate students. There was a lounge exclusively for graduate students, where you could enjoy light meals and beer for a fee, relax, and have discussions. Since the MBA program attracted students from 66 countries, regular excursions were organized, allowing us to visit nearby towns for sightseeing. On one such day trip, there was a tour to Stonehenge, a place I had long wanted to visit.
Stonehenge is a mysterious megalithic monument built around 2500 BC. I've always had a romantic fascination with ancient civilizations. Located near Salisbury, it stands alone in the middle of a field. Despite being a mysterious ruin, it was surrounded by peaceful grasslands, lacking the eerie atmosphere I had expected. Although you couldn't touch it, you could get surprisingly close and listen to the audio guide, imagining the distant past.
Stonehenge is also astronomically aligned, designed so that the sun rises directly above the altar stone on the summer solstice. I also love stargazing and have taken a course to become a star guide, so I couldn't help but feel a little smug while listening to the explanations.