The Journey Beyond Logic ~世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶

世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶 / Scenic Views and Travel Memories Witnessed by an MBA Holder Who Traveled Over 110 Cities in 30 Countries Worldwide.



September 2021, My hometown, Japan






*"Isn't the World Fascinating?" ~ Connecting Thoughts
During my elementary and middle school years, I attended a private English school in my rural hometown. My teacher was a unique old man in his seventies, born in the Taisho era. It was rare in the countryside to have a teacher who had studied outside and frequently traveled abroad for work. Considering his age and the era he grew up in, he was quite a modern teacher.
His classes were different; he focused only on oral grammar and English composition. Occasionally, he would ask, "What are you studying now?" and open the textbook, but he would quickly revert to his usual methods. The classes often went off-topic, and he would enthusiastically share stories from his trips abroad.
Due to such unconventional teaching, many students initially gathered, but only a few remained by the end. However, I loved this old teacher.
"The world is fascinating. I hope you can go there someday too."
Those were the words he always spoke, and they became the foundation of my aspirations.
Time has passed since then, and I have also traveled abroad. I experienced homestays, journeyed as a backpacker from the Arctic Circle to Africa, and graduated from a foreign graduate school. I have also traveled to various countries for work. When I actually experienced it, I realized that the world, as the teacher had described, is brimming with excitement.
Currently, the world is gradually recovering from the effects of the pandemic. However, the global situation remains unstable, exchange rates fluctuate, and the cost of living abroad has increased, making it more challenging to travel internationally. But precisely because of that, I hope that by writing about the landscapes I've seen and the experiences I've had in my blog, I can inspire someone to think, "I also want to visit various countries in the world." And I sincerely wish that this someone can become a catalyst for someone else. After all, the world is truly fascinating.

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