The Journey Beyond Logic ~世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶

世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶 / Scenic Views and Travel Memories Witnessed by an MBA Holder Who Traveled Over 110 Cities in 30 Countries Worldwide.


アメリカ ウィスコンシン州留学記 : 30年経っても忘れない言葉 ~ MBA旅ブロガーの見た世界

August 1992,University of Wisconsin, USA

*Have a good life!

語学学校最後の朝、皆それぞれのホームステイ先に出発する時が来た。当時はメールもSNSもなく、連絡しようとするとエアメールを送らねばならない。何より距離も遠く、もう会うこともないかもしれない。短いがとても濃密な時間を共に過ごしたので、皆とても悲しそうだった。そんな時、チェコ人の友人から「Hava a good life!(良い人生を!)」と最後の言葉をかけられた。短い言葉だが色々な思いが込められていて、今でもその時のことは忘れない。

*Have a good life!
I participated in a short-term study program in Wisconsin, USA during the summer vacation of my second year in high school. The program lasted for one and a half months, with the first three weeks at a language school affiliated with a university and the latter three weeks in a homestay.
The language school brought together high school students from various countries. I shared a double room in the dormitory with an Italian roommate. Despite considering myself relatively good at English, we couldn't communicate at all. Initially, I relied on a dictionary for communication. Meals were provided at the school cafeteria, but I had never done laundry on my own in Japan, so I didn't know how to use the washing machine. It was quite overwhelming at first. Nevertheless, I had fun every day, made friends from many countries, and the three weeks flew by.
On the last morning at the language school, it was time for everyone to depart to their respective homestays. Back then, we didn't have emails or social media, so if we wanted to stay in touch, we had to send airmail, which meant the distance was far, and we might never meet again. We had shared a short but incredibly intense time together, and everyone seemed sad. At that moment, a Czech friend said to me, "Have a good life!" It was a brief phrase, but it carried various emotions, and I still remember that moment vividly.


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