The Journey Beyond Logic ~世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶

世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶 / Scenic Views and Travel Memories Witnessed by an MBA Holder Who Traveled Over 110 Cities in 30 Countries Worldwide.



August 1992, Wisconsin, USA

私は高校2年生の夏、語学研修とホームステイでアメリカに6週間滞在した。まだ高校生で私服も少なかったので、色々と新しい服を買い込んで持って行った。その中でリーバイスのTシャツがお気に入りだったので、アメリカでもよく着ていた。ある時、友人から「その言葉の意味知ってる?少し恥ずかしいよ」と言われた。当時、英語はデザインみたいなものと思っていて、あまり深く意味を考えてはいなかった。そして、そのTシャツには大きく「button your fly(社会の窓が開いてます)」と書いてあったのだ。それ以降その服を着ることはやめた。たまに変な日本語のTシャツを着ている外国人がいるが、まさにそんな感じだったのかもしれない。

+Story of Attending a Giants' Autograph Session Wearing a Hanshin Tigers' Cap
We all make mistakes in life and learn from them. Looking back, I have a story that's now a humorous anecdote worth sharing.
During the summer of my second year in high school, I spent six weeks in the United States for a language program and homestay. Being a high schooler with limited casual wear, I went on a shopping spree, buying several new outfits. Among them, I had a favorite Levi's T-shirt that I frequently wore in America. However, one day, a friend told me, "Do you know what that phrase on your shirt means? It's a bit embarrassing." At that time, I viewed English as more of a design element and didn't delve much into its meanings. It turned out that the T-shirt boldly stated "button your fly." I stopped wearing that shirt immediately. Sometimes, I encounter foreigners wearing T-shirts with odd Japanese phrases, and I might have been akin to that scenario.
Additionally, during the language program, I had the opportunity to attend an autograph session with American football players. Although I knew nothing about American football, I considered it an incredibly lucky and valuable chance. Not knowing the players' names, I approached various Kansas City Chiefs players on the field, asking for their autographs. I was wearing a cap I had bought in America, which I thought had a cool design and was my favorite. However, it turned out to be a cap from a different American football team, the Minnesota Vikings. I realized this later, and it felt somewhat like wearing a Hanshin Tigers' cap while collecting autographs at a Giants' player event.
It was an embarrassing experience, but I believe people gradually grow by making such mistakes. Mistakes made in youth are often forgiven, so I think it's essential to keep challenging oneself without hesitation.

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