また、イギリスはイングランド、スコットランド、ウェールズ、北アイルランドという国で構成される連合王国なので、そこにも微妙な違いがある。English ~というのは「イングランドの」という意味であるため、ウェールズに住んでいたこともあるが、そこではBritish~「ブリテン島の」という単語を使わないと露骨に嫌な顔をされた。些細な言葉の違いだが、そこには彼ら彼女らのアイデンティティがあるのだろう。
*When I Felt the Difference Between British and American English
Similar to dialects in Japanese, English also comes in various flavors. American English and British English are well-known, but there are differences in Australian, New Zealand, Indian, Singaporean English, and more. Interestingly, what's commonly taught in Japan is American English.
During my time at a language school in the UK, I was pointedly reminded of English distinctions during my first class. A dignified, elderly female teacher noted, "Hmm, that's correct English, but it's American English," delivering the subtle rebuke with a polite smile.
Additionally, the UK comprises England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, forming the United Kingdom, where subtle differences exist. The term "English" indicates something from England, so even though I had lived in Wales, using the word "British" rather than "English" would lead to evident displeasure. These minor differences in words carry the weight of their identities.
Conversely, there are reverse situations. When sending a subordinate on a long-term business trip to the US, I prepared a company recommendation letter. Without much thought, I wrote the date in the UK style: day/month/year. However, my American-raised subordinate requested a change to the US style: month/day/year, fearing immigration issues upon reentry.
Behind language differences lie historical and cultural contexts, necessitating careful consideration even within the same language. This experience renewed my awareness of the need to be mindful of these nuances.