The Journey Beyond Logic ~世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶

世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶 / Scenic Views and Travel Memories Witnessed by an MBA Holder Who Traveled Over 110 Cities in 30 Countries Worldwide.



January 1997, Wien, Austria


*The Battle of the Original Sacher Torte
There's a famous chocolate cake known as the Sachertorte. While you can find similar chocolate cakes in various pastry shops, it originated in Vienna. During my spring break studying at a university in the UK, I decided to try the authentic Sachertorte in Vienna.
Before my visit, research revealed there were two contenders for the "authentic" Sachertorte. One was the Hotel Sacher's Sachertorte. The legitimacy is evident as it was established by the descendants of Franz Sacher, the creator of Sachertorte, with the cake bearing the hotel's name. However, there was another claimant, the Sachertorte from Demel, a confectioner appointed to the Viennese royal court. It turns out that when Hotel Sacher faced financial difficulties, Demel acquired the recipe and selling rights, adding credibility to their claim. It was a true battle of the original, and personally, I felt both had valid arguments.
Opting for a taste test, I sampled Sachertorte from both establishments. Though it's been nearly 30 years, I vaguely remember one having jam in the middle. However, the conclusion was that both were delicious. Even after all these years, both still assert their status as the "original," showcasing the deep and fascinating history behind a seemingly simple pastry.



September 2023, Chicago, USA


*Chicago, a City I Couldn't Stroll Through
For me, the first major metropolis in America was Chicago. During the summer vacation of my sophomore year in high school, I had a homestay in the United States. We planned to visit Chicago from Minnesota due to a relative's wedding in the host family's extended circle.
Although Chicago is the third-largest city in America, I had the impression that it was unsafe. The host family cautioned against walking around, citing potential dangers. Unfortunately, our visit turned into a drive-through city tour, gazing at the scenery from the car window.
Fast forward 25 years, and work brought me back to Chicago. Due to a tight schedule, I only had Sunday afternoon free, arriving around noon and needing to head to Detroit by Monday evening. Despite the setback, I meticulously planned to redeem the lost opportunity. Dreams of seeing the starting point of Route 66, ascending the Sears Tower, buying a tie at Brooks Brothers, and dining with a friend in Chicago fueled my excitement.
However, fate had other plans. Domestic flights to Chicago were significantly delayed, pushing my arrival from the planned 1 PM to 6 PM. Consequently, all hopes of sightseeing evaporated. I managed to meet my friend and settled for enjoying Chicago's famous deep-dish pizza near the hotel.
The next day, after finishing work in the Chicago suburbs and having a brief window, I decided to drive through the city center. Yet again, 25 years later, it turned into another car window journey. Despite the disappointment, I interpret it as a sign from the heavens, urging me to return. The next time I visit Chicago, I am determined to explore the city on foot.


July 2003, Sheffield, UK


*In an era where AI can mass-produce stunning photos, what should travel photography look like? 
AI has been rapidly evolving, allowing for the easy and instant generation of beautiful images from prompts. The latest AI can not only generate images but also create high-quality videos. While Instagram thrives on eye-catching photos and videos, AI now makes it possible to mass-produce them effortlessly. In such a time, what should travel photography be like?
The clear difference between AI-generated photos and those taken by people lies in the presence of "heart." When people take photos, there is always a reason behind the act of pressing the shutter. Who took the photo, why, and with what feelings? People relate to photos because they resonate with the emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure felt by the person at that moment. Eye-catching photos may impress with their beauty, but they lack that emotional connection. Conversely, without a soul, they are no different from AI photos. This is a strong antithesis to the current trend of eye-catching photos.
Photos do more than capture landscapes; they also freeze time and record the subject and the photographer's emotions at that moment. The photo above is of the bus stop I used during my undergraduate study abroad in the UK. I lived in a share house with friends right in front of that bus stop. However, I took this photo several years later when I was living in a different city for graduate school and wanted to revisit the city where I studied abroad, taking a four-hour bus ride to visit. So, neither I nor my friends lived in that house anymore. Feeling a bit of loneliness for the time that had passed and the unchanged scenery, I wanted to remember this sight, so I pressed the shutter.
Every journey and life has a unique story. Perhaps the true value of photography lies in being able to catch a glimpse of someone else's story through photos.





January 1997, Wien, Austria


*Forced Ways to Learn Art
In European cities, landmarks like museums and opera houses boast beautiful exteriors, making it inevitable to encounter art while traveling. Although not an art expert myself, I made a point to actively visit museums, galleries, and theaters in the cities I traveled to.
During my spring break while studying in the UK, I visited Vienna, Austria. Vienna is renowned for the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, a name even I, not well-versed in classical music, recognized. By chance, there was a concert by the Vienna Philharmonic at the Vienna State Opera on the day I was there. I managed to secure a standing ticket released just before the concert for a surprisingly affordable price of about 1000 yen. Although I couldn't discern the nuances of the music due to my lack of expertise, the atmosphere was incredible, and I left thoroughly satisfied.
Years later, world-renowned conductor Seiji Ozawa became the music director of the Vienna State Opera. To commemorate this, a New Year's concert by the Vienna Philharmonic under Ozawa's baton was held, and the CD was released. Despite never purchasing classical CDs before, the combination of its significance and my personal connection led me to buy it.
Traveling to various countries and cities creates bonds and connections, sparking ongoing interest even after the journey ends. From this perspective, travel opens doors to new worlds and enriches life, offering invaluable opportunities for personal growth.




August 2001, Hong Kong, China


*Exploring the Charms of Local Travel
During my study abroad in the UK, I befriended someone from Hong Kong. It was the period just before the handover in 1996 when Hong Kong was still a British territory. They disliked being referred to as "Chinese" and instead insisted on identifying themselves as "Hongkongese." To Westerners, distinctions between Japanese, Korean, and Chinese might seem trivial, making it challenging for them to grasp such subtle differences. However, I believe their attachment was deeply rooted in their identity.
Several years later, I embarked on a trip to various Asian countries during summer vacation, including a visit to Hong Kong. Although Hong Kong is renowned for its shopping and dim sum, I, being more inclined toward historical places and buildings, had minimal expectations beforehand. Yet, upon visiting, I discovered that Hong Kong was a remarkably captivating city.
During my time in Hong Kong, I stayed with the friend I met during my study abroad. However, due to their busy schedule, I spent time with their younger brother, mother, and other friends instead. While I didn't experience the typical tourist attractions often enjoyed by many travelers, I was shown various aspects of everyday life in Hong Kong that tours don't usually cover. Exploring the latest shopping centers in vogue, local markets, sightseeing spots like Hong Kong Island and Victoria Peak – each aspect of Hong Kong held its unique charm. Above all, the kindness of those who showed me around was truly heartwarming. Experiencing beautiful scenery, relishing delicious food, and encountering the kindness of various people made my trip to Hong Kong exceptional.
Incidentally, the following year, that friend visited Japan, and this time, I was the guide, showing them around different places. Having made friends from various countries through my study abroad, I believe I've become more connected to the world, appreciating its diversity on a more personal level.

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イギリスMBA留学記 : イギリスのMBAの授業はどのようなものか?

September 2002, MBA textbooks, UK


*What are the classes like in the MBA program in the UK?
I earned my MBA in the United Kingdom about 20 years ago at the age of 26, and I'd like to share my experiences as there is limited information about UK MBA programs. The graduate school I attended was part of the prestigious Russell Group, akin to the Ivy League in the United States, with universities like Oxford and Cambridge among its constituents. The MBA class comprised 350 students from 66 countries, with only five being Japanese.
While American MBAs span two years, the UK program condensed the same content into a rigorous one-year schedule. Core subjects included "Strategic Management," "Organizational Behavior," "Financial Accounting," "Economics," "Statistics," "Marketing Theory," "Human Resource Management," "Operation Management," and "Labor Relations." Each class consisted of a 1.5-hour lecture and a 1.5-hour group case study, progressing through 50 pages of textbooks per session.
Following seven intense months of coursework, we spent two months on elective courses and group projects, creating a business plan. I chose "E-Marketing" and "Tourism Management" as my electives. Our group developed a fictional business plan related to the wedding industry, earning the top spot among 55 teams in both report and presentation evaluations.
The final phase involved a three-month period dedicated to writing a master's thesis, involving consultation with a supervisor, setting a theme and hypothesis, conducting academic research and surveys, and statistically analyzing the data. I focused on relationship marketing in the supermarket industry.
Reflecting on this challenging year, I believe pursuing an MBA abroad offers a more diverse and exciting experience. The global friendships and the confidence gained from overcoming the rigorous curriculum remain invaluable to me. Above all, it was a joyous and dream-like year that I wouldn't trade for anything.



August 1992, Wisconsin, USA

私は高校2年生の夏、語学研修とホームステイでアメリカに6週間滞在した。まだ高校生で私服も少なかったので、色々と新しい服を買い込んで持って行った。その中でリーバイスのTシャツがお気に入りだったので、アメリカでもよく着ていた。ある時、友人から「その言葉の意味知ってる?少し恥ずかしいよ」と言われた。当時、英語はデザインみたいなものと思っていて、あまり深く意味を考えてはいなかった。そして、そのTシャツには大きく「button your fly(社会の窓が開いてます)」と書いてあったのだ。それ以降その服を着ることはやめた。たまに変な日本語のTシャツを着ている外国人がいるが、まさにそんな感じだったのかもしれない。

+Story of Attending a Giants' Autograph Session Wearing a Hanshin Tigers' Cap
We all make mistakes in life and learn from them. Looking back, I have a story that's now a humorous anecdote worth sharing.
During the summer of my second year in high school, I spent six weeks in the United States for a language program and homestay. Being a high schooler with limited casual wear, I went on a shopping spree, buying several new outfits. Among them, I had a favorite Levi's T-shirt that I frequently wore in America. However, one day, a friend told me, "Do you know what that phrase on your shirt means? It's a bit embarrassing." At that time, I viewed English as more of a design element and didn't delve much into its meanings. It turned out that the T-shirt boldly stated "button your fly." I stopped wearing that shirt immediately. Sometimes, I encounter foreigners wearing T-shirts with odd Japanese phrases, and I might have been akin to that scenario.
Additionally, during the language program, I had the opportunity to attend an autograph session with American football players. Although I knew nothing about American football, I considered it an incredibly lucky and valuable chance. Not knowing the players' names, I approached various Kansas City Chiefs players on the field, asking for their autographs. I was wearing a cap I had bought in America, which I thought had a cool design and was my favorite. However, it turned out to be a cap from a different American football team, the Minnesota Vikings. I realized this later, and it felt somewhat like wearing a Hanshin Tigers' cap while collecting autographs at a Giants' player event.
It was an embarrassing experience, but I believe people gradually grow by making such mistakes. Mistakes made in youth are often forgiven, so I think it's essential to keep challenging oneself without hesitation.

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