The Journey Beyond Logic ~世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶

世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶 / Scenic Views and Travel Memories Witnessed by an MBA Holder Who Traveled Over 110 Cities in 30 Countries Worldwide.


ベトナム旅行記 : カフェオレ色の大河

August 2001, Mekong Delta, Vietnum

若い時にベトナムを一人旅した時、メコン河デルタクルーズに参加をした。ベトナムではCafeという所が旅行会社のようなことをしている。到着直後で色々不安だったので、メジャーなSinh Cafeという所でツアーの手配をすることにした。

*The Cafe au Lait-Colored Mighty River
During my solo trip to Vietnam in my youth, I decided to join a cruise in the Mekong Delta. In Vietnam, there are places called "Cafe" that act like travel agencies. Feeling a bit uncertain upon arrival, I opted to arrange my tour through a well-known place called Sinh Cafe.
The one-day tour to the Mekong Delta, which included lunch, cost only $7 and was incredibly affordable. However, upon realizing that this was the standard rate when booked locally, I couldn't help but be reminded of the high fees charged by Japanese travel agencies. The tour involved cruising in small boats through the mangrove forests, stopping at places where they made crafts from coconuts and visiting a beekeeping farm. It was a day well spent. Since it was the peak of summer vacation, there were many Japanese tourists in Ho Chi Minh City. Our group had rented an entire bus, and our guide was Japanese, making it quite a unique experience for a locally operated tour.
After a 2-hour bus ride from Ho Chi Minh City, we arrived at the Mekong River. The river's color was a stunning shade of cafe au lait. According to our guide, the color was due to the red soil in the area. The river was impressively wide, and I was truly overwhelmed the moment I saw it. We boarded a boat, landed on an island, made crafts from coconuts, visited a beekeeping farm, and then transferred to smaller boats for further cruising through the jungle. Looking at the photos, it might seem like we were embarking on a serious exploration deep in the jungle, but in reality, we only took short walks after getting off the boat. It was a very accessible tour that allowed us to experience the feeling of "exploration" with ease.

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