The Journey Beyond Logic ~世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶

世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶 / Scenic Views and Travel Memories Witnessed by an MBA Holder Who Traveled Over 110 Cities in 30 Countries Worldwide.


フランス パリ旅行記 : The City of Love 妻との初デートの記憶 ~ MBA旅ブロガーの見た世界

December 2004, Paris, France

*The City of Love
パリはThe City of Loveと言われていて、どこを切り撮っても絵になる街だ。二度訪れたが、一回目はシャネルの店で若き日の工藤静香を見た。オシャレな人も多くて華やかで天気も良い。ドーバー海峡を挟んでイギリスに近いが、街も人もロンドンとはかなり雰囲気が異なっていた。

*The City of Love
My first date with my wife was at the Paris Opera House. It might sound like a cliché or even boastful, so I've rarely shared it, but it's a cherished memory for me. Paris, often dubbed The City of Love, is picturesque no matter where you look. I visited twice, and the first time, I glimpsed a young Kudo Shizuka at a Chanel store. With stylish people and vibrant atmosphere, the city shines under its sunny skies. Despite its proximity to England across the English Channel, both the city and its people differ significantly from London.
On New Year's Eve, we visited the Opera House to watch ballet. The opulent interior resembled a palace, with Chagall's paintings adorning the ceiling, just like in art textbooks. Seated in the inexpensive fifth-tier seats, the stage was a bit distant, but Chagall's art was still visible. I'm no art connoisseur, so I couldn't fully grasp its magnificence, yet the ballet in the Opera House felt truly special.
During intermission, we stepped out into the lobby. There, gentlemen and ladies in tuxedos and dresses were enjoying champagne and strawberries while chatting. Of course, there were plenty of casual tourists like us, too, but the scene felt like a different world. We were genuinely surprised by the contrast. Although we talked about returning together and sipping champagne someday, that opportunity hasn't arisen yet. Still, I hope for such a day to come.


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