The Journey Beyond Logic ~世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶

世界30カ国110都市以上を旅したMBAホルダーが見た景色と旅の記憶 / Scenic Views and Travel Memories Witnessed by an MBA Holder Who Traveled Over 110 Cities in 30 Countries Worldwide.


インドネシア出張記 : インドネシアでコロナに感染して入院した話 ~ MBA 旅ブロガーの見た世界

July 2022, Bekasi, Indonesia



*Illness Abroad
During a business trip to Indonesia, I contracted COVID-19. It was still during the height of the pandemic, and it was my first infection. Though I recovered successfully, I had to endure a week of hospitalization in the local area, which was quite challenging.
Falling ill in a foreign country is an experience that doesn't go as planned. Fortunately, the local staff handled all the hospital procedures, and I managed somehow. However, I realized that it would have been tough to handle it alone. Firstly, being infected and unwell left no room for flexibility. Additionally, I had to isolate, making it impossible to handle tasks like reception procedures. Language proficiency became a secondary concern.
Hospital food is not particularly tasty even in Japan, and in a foreign country, coupled with feeling unwell, it tasted even worse. Patients are meant to regain strength through meals, but each meal made me feel more down, creating a negative cycle. The Japanese boxed meals and fruits that the local staff provided became a source of comfort for me.
After a week, my health gradually improved, and I was able to be discharged safely. I will never forget the gratitude I felt at that time. I aspire to be someone who can show kindness to others, especially during difficult and challenging times.


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